3 Reasons To Clean Your Eyelids With An Eyelid Cleanser

As an athlete, one of the last things I expected was to develop arthritis. However, I did. To me, arthritis meant I had to slow down, get a cane, and keep my legs elevated at all times. My doctor helped me to understand that I could continue living my life with some simple modifications to my daily routine. I did not have to give up sports. I created this blog to help other athletes who have been newly diagnosed with arthritis. With proper nutrition and the right lifestyle changes, you do not have to give up the sports you love.

3 Reasons To Clean Your Eyelids With An Eyelid Cleanser

17 March 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Your eyelids play an important role in keeping your eyes healthy. Eyelids and eyelashes stop foreign bodies like dirt and pollen from reaching your eyes. And every time you blink, which happens about 15-20 times a minute, your eyelids secrete essential oils that keep your eyes moist and protect them from infection.

Healthy and clean eyelids can help to protect your eyes from dirt and bacteria, which can damage your eyes and cause infections. If you currently don't use eyelid cleansers, then here are three reasons why you might consider including eyelid cleansers in your daily hygiene routine.

1. To prevent dryness and infections

At the edge of your eyelids are the Meibomian glands. These glands secrete oil that mixes with your tear film and prevents your eyes from drying out too quickly between blinks. And the lacrimal glands in your eyelids produce an antibacterial solution that keeps infection at bay.

Dirt, pollen, and oily debris can build up on your eyelids and lashes and block the glands that provide your eyes with essential oils. If this happens, your eyes will be more prone to dryness and infections. To keep your eyes moist and infection free, use eyelid cleansers to keep your eyelids free of foreign bodies.  

2. To clean your eyelids after you remove your makeup

If you wear eye makeup such as mascara, then you might find that your eyes sometimes suffer from irritation and inflammation. This happens because makeup builds up along the edge of the eyelids and blocks the glands responsible for releasing oils to keep your eyes moist. Using an eyelid cleanser after you remove your eye makeup will help to remove any remaining makeup from your eyelids.

3. To relieve the symptoms of eye irritation and inflammation

A common eye problem that occurs due to dirt and bacteria accumulation on the eyelids is blepharitis. This condition can leave your eyes feeling itchy and inflamed. You can help to soothe the symptoms of blepharitis by using an eye cleanser several times a day. Using an eye cleanser will remove bacteria, dirt, and mites from your eyelid.

If you do decide to include eyelid cleansers in your daily hygiene routine, remember to be gentle. The skin covering the eyelids is the thinnest skin on the human body and so is vulnerable to damage.

If you suffer from dry or irritated eyes regularly, then you may need to focus on keeping your eyelids clean. Using an eyelid cleanser will help to relieve irritated and sore eyes and help to prevent future eye conditions such as blepharitis.

Contact your health care provider to learn more about eyelid cleansers

About Me
Tips for Athletes With Arthritis

As an athlete, one of the last things I expected was to develop arthritis. However, I did. To me, arthritis meant I had to slow down, get a cane, and keep my legs elevated at all times. My doctor helped me to understand that I could continue living my life with some simple modifications to my daily routine. I did not have to give up sports. I created this blog to help other athletes who have been newly diagnosed with arthritis. With proper nutrition and the right lifestyle changes, you do not have to give up the sports you love.
