Wearing Hearing Aids For The First Time? How To Avoid Ear Infections
Now that you've received your new hearing aids, you might not know how to care for them properly. Without proper care, your hearing aids can put you at risk for ear infections. The last thing you want is an ear infection when you're trying to get used to your hearing aids. Luckily, with proper care, you can avoid ear infections associated with hearing aid use. Here are four simple strategies for avoiding ear infections now that you have hearing aids.
Disinfect Your Hearing Aids
You might not realize this, but your hearing aids will need to be disinfected on a regular basis. Without careful disinfecting, your hearing aid can become a magnet for dirt, earwax, and bacteria that can increase your risk of ear infections. To disinfect your hearing aids, you'll need wipe them down with a clean, lint-free cloth. Next, wipe the entire surface of your hearing aids with alcohol swabs. It's also important that you always wash your hands with soap and water before handling your hearing aids. This will prevent the transfer of germs to your hearing aids.
Keep Your Hearing Aids Dry
Your hearing aids should never be exposed to water. That's why it's important that you remove them prior to swimming, bathing, or showering. You should also dry your ears whenever exercising causes sweat to build up in or around your ears. Keeping your ears and your hearing aids dry will help prevent moisture buildup that can invite ear infections. When you remove your hearing aids, be sure to place them in a safe place to avoid damage.
Change the Filter Often
Your hearing aids contain a small filter that's designed to help prevent ear wax, and dust buildup. Over time, the wax and dust that builds up on the filter can become contaminated. When that happens, you might notice an increase in the number of ear infections you experience. You can avoid that problem by changing the filter about once a week.
Get Your Ears Cleaned
The filter on your hearing aid isn't the only area that can accumulate ear wax. Your inner ear canal will too. When you wear hearing aids, it's particularly important that you get your ears cleaned on a regular basis. Having the wax removed from your ears will reduce the occurrence of infections associated with hearing aid use, and will allow sound to process through the hearing aid to your middle ear, where sound is processed.
For more information, contact a business such as Hearing Specialists of DuPage.