2 Dental Restoration Tips To Prevent Your Child From Developing Tooth Squeeze During A Hike

As an athlete, one of the last things I expected was to develop arthritis. However, I did. To me, arthritis meant I had to slow down, get a cane, and keep my legs elevated at all times. My doctor helped me to understand that I could continue living my life with some simple modifications to my daily routine. I did not have to give up sports. I created this blog to help other athletes who have been newly diagnosed with arthritis. With proper nutrition and the right lifestyle changes, you do not have to give up the sports you love.

2 Dental Restoration Tips To Prevent Your Child From Developing Tooth Squeeze During A Hike

27 April 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If your child is fairly active, then they may enjoy taking part in adventure activities like hikes. A moderate hike can be enjoyable for anyone but as the elevation begins to increase, your child's comfort may begin to decrease. As the elevation increases during a hike, this forces air into open pockets throughout your teeth. Once your child is done with their hike and begin their descent back to where they started, these air bubbles will begin to expand. This causes a lot of pain and is known as tooth squeeze. Fortunately, there are a few tips that you can use to prevent your child from developing tooth squeeze on their next hike.

Ask Your Dentist to Check for Loose Fillings

Fillings that are either weakened or loose or one of the easiest ways in which tooth squeeze can develop. Air forces its way into the open slots of fillings and will push against the fillings as they expand. It may be difficult to determine has a loose filling on your own; therefore, it is important to get the opinion of a professional. This can be done by taking your child to see your dentist. Ask your child's dentist if their fillings are healthy and in good condition. If they are, then your child should not experience any pain on the next hike. If they aren't, then you may want to consider getting the filling fixed.

Fix Loose Crowns and Dental Implants

If your child has any crowns or dental implants, then you need to take the time to check if their crowns or dental implants are loose. Loose crowns or dental implants are more obvious than loose fillings since they wiggle around like a loose tooth. If your child's crown or implant is loose, then they will need to get it fixed before the hike. A loose crown or implant usually means that the adhesive has weakened or that the implant is no longer screwed in tight. This is something that can easily be fixed in a short amount of time. While fixing a loose crown or implant to prevent tooth squeeze is important it should also be fixed in order to prevent infection. Bacteria can seep underneath the crown and implant and contaminate it. In many cases, it is extremely costly fix a restoration that has been damaged due to infection.

Weak restorations can quickly result in tooth squeeze on your child's next hike. This would leave them in an enormous amount of pain. Therefore, use these tips to ensure it does not happen. Contact a business such as the Oral Surgery Center for more information. 

About Me
Tips for Athletes With Arthritis

As an athlete, one of the last things I expected was to develop arthritis. However, I did. To me, arthritis meant I had to slow down, get a cane, and keep my legs elevated at all times. My doctor helped me to understand that I could continue living my life with some simple modifications to my daily routine. I did not have to give up sports. I created this blog to help other athletes who have been newly diagnosed with arthritis. With proper nutrition and the right lifestyle changes, you do not have to give up the sports you love.
