Wondering Whether You'll Need To Cross State Lines To Use Medical Marijuana? Could CBD Oil Help?
If you live in one of the shrinking number of states in which medical marijuana remains illegal, you may wonder whether you have any options when it comes to relieving your chronic pain or nausea through the use of marijuana derivatives. While medical marijuana may still be illegal in your state, a whopping 44 states have declared the use and sale of cannabidiol (CBD) hemp oil legal, which means it may be an option for you if moving across state lines isn't in the plan (or budget). Read on to learn more about some of the ways you can use CBD oil, such as from phytoptima, even having it shipped to your door
What is CBD oil?
CBD oil is one of the more than 100 cannabinoid compounds in marijuana and is largely derived from hemp, rather than the marijuana leaves and seeds (which contain the THC that has a psychoactive effect on users). This means CBD oil isn't likely to get you high in any traditional sense, but has been shown to have an effect on everything from neuropathy (nerve pain and numbness) to seizure disorders, multiple sclerosis, and Tourette's syndrome.
CBD oil can be ingested or used topically.
What are some of the forms in which you may be able to purchase CBD oil?
The medical condition for which you're seeking treatment through the use of CBD oil may dictate the form in which you consume it. You'll always want to consult with a physician before changing your current treatment plan or self-medicating through the use of CBD oil.
Using CBD oil and a carrier substance through a vaporizing pen in the "vaping" process can help those seeking treatment for anxiety, chronic pain, or other conditions in which instant relief is preferable. Many states have outlawed public smoking, but very few include vaping in these laws, so it's an option just about anywhere you find yourself (in public or private).
For those seeking relief of psoriasis, arthritis, or other physical aches and pains, applying the oil in a balm or lotion form may provide topical relief without requiring you to inhale anything. This can also be a good option for those for which, for whatever reason, vaping isn't a good idea.
Alternatively, you can purchase pure CBD oil and add it to foods or drinks yourself, or use dissolvable gelatin capsules to make your own safe CBD oil pills. You'll want to be sure to do this under the supervision of a physician or pharmacist to ensure you're using the correct dosing.