Gum Sculpting: Is It Right For You?
There are plenty of dental surgeries and procedures that are mainly performed due to cosmetic or aesthetic reasons. Among them are the application of braces, brackets or even, in some cases, dentures. Gum sculpting, or gum contouring as it is commonly called, fits nicely among these cosmetic dentistry procedures. What, exactly, is gum sculpting, however? After reading this article, you'll have a strong grasp on what is involved with the procedure. You will learn what exactly gum sculpting is, what occurs during the procedure and who benefits the most from having this procedure performed on them. Is it right for you? Read on!
What Is Gum Sculpting?
Gum sculpting is essentially a procedure that literally sculpts, or contours, your gums. It is a procedure that involves actually redefining the aesthetic integrity of your gums so that they look very different. It is generally reserved for those that believe that their teeth either sit too low or too high upon their gums, giving them the appearance that they have either very large or very small teeth.
Gums that cover a large portion of the teeth convey the illusion that the teeth look too small. This particular malady may occur due to a number of reasons. Although commonly associated with genetics, some prescription drugs may lend themselves to giving people a "gummy" appearance. Having recessed gums, however, gives the illusion that you have very large teeth. Recessed gums are actually a bit more of a serious problem than that of being too "gummy". Recessed gums can actually lead to a variety of problems, including tooth decay.
What Happens During Gum Sculpting?
In the past, gum contouring procedures were mainly reserved simply for those with "too much" gum. This procedure was rudimentary and a bit primitive compared to contemporary procedures: they were performed with a scalpel, removing portions of the gums and revealing portions of the teeth. This procedure was painful and the recovery time involved was quite long.
These days, however, technology has gifted patients a number of ameliorating factors that make the procedure far less painful and quite unobtrusive, as well. First and foremost, a local anesthetic is applied to the gums. This numbs the gums to pain so that the patient does not feel much other than a bit of pressure and tingling in the surrounding nerves. Most importantly, however, is the use of lasers in gum sculpting procedures. This technology has replaced the scalpel for a number of reasons. Firstly, lasers are far more accurate than the dentist's hand with a scalpel. Secondly, it allows dentists to truly sculpt gums, to bring gum tissue from one area of the mouth to others, so that patients without "enough gum" can enjoy the appearance of smaller teeth. Afterwords, the recovery time is quite quick, with recovery often occurring within a few short days.
Who Benefits From Gum Sculpting?
There are a number of individuals that greatly benefit from gum sculpting procedures. Namely, those who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their gums. If you feel that you reveal either too much of your gums or that perhaps your teeth look too small when you smile, then you would greatly benefit from the cosmetic procedure that is gum sculpting. Furthermore, gum sculpting can actually benefit those without "enough gums" in ways that go beyond the merely superficial. Revealed teeth can be detrimental to your oral health and having gums protect the upper area of those teeth can save you much annoyance and pain later on down the road.
Gum sculpting procedures are painless and the recovery time is quite quick. Is this procedure for you? Hopefully, this article has given you some insight on the matter.