Tips for Athletes With Arthritis

As an athlete, one of the last things I expected was to develop arthritis. However, I did. To me, arthritis meant I had to slow down, get a cane, and keep my legs elevated at all times. My doctor helped me to understand that I could continue living my life with some simple modifications to my daily routine. I did not have to give up sports. I created this blog to help other athletes who have been newly diagnosed with arthritis. With proper nutrition and the right lifestyle changes, you do not have to give up the sports you love.

Why Does Your Vision Get Blurrier At Night?

23 March 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Do you find that you have trouble seeing clearly in the evening? Maybe your vision is relatively clear throughout the day, but once the evening hours set in, things start to look blurry. This symptom can be alarming, but the good news is, it usually has a rather simple, treatable explanation. Here's a look at the most likely causes. Tired Eyes These days, most people spend quite a bit of time staring at screens, from their phones to their work computers. Read More …

The Basics Of Wisdom Teeth Surgery Aftercare

20 March 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Having impacted wisdom teeth extracted typically requires surgery. While modern medicine has been greatly improved by technology, surgery is still, nonetheless, not without risks. Complications following surgery can be reduced by adhering to the proper after-care protocols. Here's is what you need to know about your wisdom teeth surgery post-operative care. What To Expect Immediately After Surgery When you wake up in the recovery room, you mouth will be packed with gauze. Read More …

Three Tips For Installing And Caring For A Bath Tub

14 March 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

When you need to install a new tub that will suit you, it is important that you consider some ideas that will help you. It is important that you understand what is involved in a bath tub installation, how to find a bath tub installation contractor, and how to take care of your tub. If these points are useful to you, read below and use the following tips in order to guide your purchase, installation, and ownership. Read More …

Painful Intercourse - How To Treat Vaginal Dryness

9 March 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

It is common to notice changes in your vagina especially after menopause. These changes are known as atrophic vaginitis. Atrophic vaginitis causes dryness and discomfort, which can result in painful intercourse. However, you can improve your sex life with treatment. Read on to find out how to replenish moisture and prevent sexual discomfort. What Are The Symptoms? Symptoms for this condition can occur gradually. Vaginal dryness is one of the most common symptoms. Read More …

Protecting Your Bones - Why People At Risk For Osteoporosis Need More Than Milk

7 March 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Experiencing a bone fracture or break does not mean that you have osteoporosis or are at risk of developing it. Coincidentally, the same kind of safeguards you would normally take to keep your skeletal system strong are similar to the provisions that doctors treating osteoporosis patients strongly urge. While drinking more milk may help you in warding off osteoporosis, experts on the disease have many other more potent recommendations and pieces of advise that you need to know. Read More …

About Me
Tips for Athletes With Arthritis

As an athlete, one of the last things I expected was to develop arthritis. However, I did. To me, arthritis meant I had to slow down, get a cane, and keep my legs elevated at all times. My doctor helped me to understand that I could continue living my life with some simple modifications to my daily routine. I did not have to give up sports. I created this blog to help other athletes who have been newly diagnosed with arthritis. With proper nutrition and the right lifestyle changes, you do not have to give up the sports you love.
