
As an athlete, one of the last things I expected was to develop arthritis. However, I did. To me, arthritis meant I had to slow down, get a cane, and keep my legs elevated at all times. My doctor helped me to understand that I could continue living my life with some simple modifications to my daily routine. I did not have to give up sports. I created this blog to help other athletes who have been newly diagnosed with arthritis. With proper nutrition and the right lifestyle changes, you do not have to give up the sports you love.

4 Signs That Your Child May Have A Heart Condition

12 April 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

When most people hear about cardiovascular disease and defects they might think about adults. Although heart disease is very common in adults—in fact it is one of the leading causes of death—defects can happen in children as well. The defects in children have less to do with the child's lifestyle and more to do with genetics and factors beyond their control. But just like adults, the earlier you can detect and catch heart problems, the more likely you are to have a positive outcome. Read More …

3 Things That Can Affect The Effectiveness Of Your Hearing Aid

10 April 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

While there are many different types of hearing aid brands, you'll need a comprehensive examination by your audiologist to determine which one is right for you. Not only will the extent of your hearing deficit determine the best device for you, but so might your current and past medical histories, as well as the medications you are currently taking. These factors all play roles in how effective your hearing aid is. Read More …

Weight Lifters: Make Sure You’Re Being Good To Your Back

6 April 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Lifting weights can do wonders for your physique. It's also a great way to boost your metabolism and help you maintain your weight. But whether you're training for a body building competition or just wanting to lose a few inches around your waist, there's a part of your body that you really need to watch out for: your back. Weight lifting can really take a toll on your back if you don't lift properly and take measures to keep your back supple and strong. Read More …

See What’s Up: The Right Eyeglasses To Address Your Vision Issues

31 March 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If you need new glasses, consider paying extra for a few features that may improve your vision and make you happier with your purchase. Whether you plan to wear your glasses to work or you only need them to drive, look a bit closer at options that could make a difference in the way that you see the world around you. Some features that can enhance your eyeglasses include: A touch of tinting. Read More …

Why Does Your Vision Get Blurrier At Night?

23 March 2017
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Do you find that you have trouble seeing clearly in the evening? Maybe your vision is relatively clear throughout the day, but once the evening hours set in, things start to look blurry. This symptom can be alarming, but the good news is, it usually has a rather simple, treatable explanation. Here's a look at the most likely causes. Tired Eyes These days, most people spend quite a bit of time staring at screens, from their phones to their work computers. Read More …

About Me
Tips for Athletes With Arthritis

As an athlete, one of the last things I expected was to develop arthritis. However, I did. To me, arthritis meant I had to slow down, get a cane, and keep my legs elevated at all times. My doctor helped me to understand that I could continue living my life with some simple modifications to my daily routine. I did not have to give up sports. I created this blog to help other athletes who have been newly diagnosed with arthritis. With proper nutrition and the right lifestyle changes, you do not have to give up the sports you love.
