What To Do If You Can't Seem To Lose Those Last Few Pounds
If you have been on a weight loss program and have been focusing on losing weight and achieving your goals, you might have already come a long way. If you feel as if you have hit a plateau and that you can't lose the last few pounds no matter how hard you try, you could be feeling really frustrated. And you might be ready to give up. Of course, there are things that you can try that might help you lose those last few pounds, no matter how stubborn they might be. These are a few tips that might help.
Shake Up Your Workout Routine
If you have been doing the same workout routine throughout your weight loss journey and have seen great results from it, then you might not have really seen any need in changing it up. However, now that you are trying to shed your last few pounds, it might be time to shake it up a little bit. Trying different types of cardio that help you burn more calories might help you with losing the last few pounds. Alternatively, you could try toning exercises; even if you don't actually see the number move on the scale from doing so, toning exercises might give you the smaller look that you have been hoping for.
Reduce Calories
When you weighed more, your body needed more calories just for basic day-to-day functions. Now that you weigh less, however, your body probably doesn't need as many calories. This means that if you are eating the same amount that you ate throughout your entire weight loss journey, you might not see results. Try restricting your calories just a little bit more, such as by reducing portion sizes or skipping that daily soda. You could find that even a minor reduction in calories can help you get the weight off. Just make sure that you consult with your physician before restricting your calories to help ensure that you are following an eating plan that is healthy for you.
Try Liposuction
Liposuction surgery is an option for many people who have lost most of the weight that they have planned to lose but who just can't seem to shed the last few pounds no matter how hard they try. Consider talking to a cosmetic surgeon about this option to find out if it's right for you. He or she might also be able to advise you about other procedures that might work well for you, such as a procedure to help you get rid of any loose skin that you might have after major weight loss.