3 Tips To Save Money On Essential Oils
Essential oils are handy for all sorts of things, from making your own beauty and cleaning supplies to diffusing your favorite scents in your home. If you love essential oils, there's a chance that you might spend more money on them than you mean to. This can be easy to do, but if you follow these tips, you can still buy your favorite essential oils without spending so much money on them.
1. Skip the Food-Grade Essential Oils
When shopping for essential oils, you might find that some of them are labeled "food grade." As the name suggests, this means that they are safe to eat. Unless you are actually using your essential oils in your favorite recipes, however, there is really no need to buy food-grade oils. In many cases, these are a bit more expensive, so you could save a few bucks by skipping them.
2. Buy in Bulk
If you're like many people, you might have a few favorite go-to essential oils that you reach for all the time. For example, you might love the scent of lavender essential oil, and you might add it to everything! If this is the case, there is really no reason to continue buying smaller bottles, since you'll almost always end up paying more for your essential oils when you buy them in this way. Even though you might have to spend a little more at one time, you can often save a lot of money by buying bigger bottles of oils that you use frequently. Then, you can reserve smaller bottles for essential oils that you are just trying out or that you don't use too often.
3. Buy Sets
Some companies that sell essential oils sell "sets" with several different types of essential oils inside. For someone who is just starting out and building a collection, or for someone who has run out of a lot of oils and is in need of several different types, this can be a smart idea. In many cases, you can get a cheaper price when buying sets of bottles rather than buying them separately. Plus, sometimes, they come with "extras," such as a case to keep them all in.
As you can see, if you love essential oils and want to cut down on how much you spend on them, you do have options. These are three ways that you can reduce how much you spend on essential oils while still adding to your collection.